What should I do if I was injured in a motor vehicle accident?

One of the scariest situations can be getting into a car accident. No matter how big or small they are, they can cause serious damage. Not only can this damage be to your vehicle, but it can affect your health as well. Whether you are commuting to work or running a quick errand, an accident can affect your life. Motor vehicle accidents can be caused by a variety of reasons. Bad weather, such as snow or rain, can create slippery roads, leading to poor driving conditions. Sometimes it is the fault of the another driver. They could have been speeding or even looking at their cell phone, which distracted them from seeing your car coming. If you are injured in an accident, it is important to seek the care you need. If you believe that liability should be placed on someone, give our firm a call to consider your legal options.

In New Jersey state, you can be entitled to compensation based on your accident and your injuries. The state has a Personal Injury Protection plan that is in place. This means that when you get involved in an accident your injuries are covered under this plan. It doesn’t matter who was at fault in the vehicle accident. You will still be covered due to the Personal Injury Protection plan.

How should I seek legal action?

In order to seek the best method of legal action, contact our attorneys to consult about your situation. This can help decide a next course of action. If you decide to seek legal action regarding the accident, you can be compensated for your sustained injuries.

Some Personal Injury Protection plans may not provide a sufficient amount of compensation for the extent of your injuries. With this in mind, your next legal action can help make up for this. When pursuing a personal injury lawsuit, you can seek compensation for economic and noneconomic damages. Economic damages can include medical bills, rehabilitation, lost wages and lost future wages. Noneconomic damages can include the pain and suffering you have had to endure from this accident. This can also be considered as compensation for your emotional distress from the situation.

What if I got into an accident while driving a different vehicle?

Motor vehicles accidents may not always involve passenger cars. Motorcycles can be seen as a more dangerous method of transportation. Those who ride on them may be more susceptible to injuries since there is little protection provided by the motorcycle. In New Jersey, motorcycles are generally not covered under Personal Injury Protection. This means that if you become injured in a motorcycle, you are not provided with funds for medical bills. With this in mind, it may be best to seek out the liable party in a personal injury lawsuit to ensure that you can pay for your medical bills.

When trucks are involved in accidents, they are typically covered under the Personal Injury Protection plan. This can help cover any expenses relating to the outcome of the accident. Truck drivers have federal regulations they must adhere to in order to create safe conditions on the roads. This includes a limit on their driving time to make sure they do not fall asleep while driving on their long shifts.

For strong legal representation from an experienced personal injury, bankruptcy, workers’ compensation, criminal defense, or family law attorney, contact Underwood & Micklin and we would be happy to schedule a consultation to discuss your matter.