Factors Determining Alimony in New Jersey

Many times in a marriage, one spouse is more financially successful than the other, though they both contribute to the marriage in various ways. In the event that the couple makes the decision to get divorced, one topic that may come up is spousal support, also known as alimony. When this matter is contested in New Jersey, which it often is, the court will be required to make this decision on behalf of the couple. There are a number of different factors that the court will take into consideration when determining a spousal support award. These factors include but are not limited to the following:

  • The duration of the marriage
  • The age and health of each spouse
  • The standard of living that was established during the marriage
  • The earning capacity of each spouse
  • The needs of the dependent party
  • Each party’s custodial responsibilities if they have children together
  • The current or needed career training of each party
  • The financial contributions that each spouse made to the marriage

It is important to note that not every divorce requires an alimony award. When both spouses are financially independent, the court may determine that spousal support may be unnecessary. Of course, each divorce is different. If you have questions about whether spousal support is applicable to your divorce, contact our firm today.

For strong legal representation from an experienced personal injury, bankruptcy, workers’ compensation, criminal defense, or family law attorney, contact Underwood & Micklin and we would be happy to schedule a consultation to discuss your matter.